Chasing a faster me

Tuesday 2 October 2012

PJ Half Marathon (30/9/2012)

Alhamdulillah..another interesting and happy weekend untuk ana sebab sudah tercompletenya satu lagi event running yang ana join which was the PJ Half Marathon 2012 walaupun categorynya bukanlah macam nama of the event tuh..hehe..register untuk 7k jer. Tapi, even if it’s only 7k, still kena respect the distance sbb it’s still far and the rule of thumb is that, the shorter the distance, the faster your pace (that’s why ada running jargon – 5k pace, 10k pace, HMP and also MP) and bila dah makin laju pace tuh, breathing and our stamina kita pun kenalah align sekali ngan pace tuh.Fuhh..ada jugakla terasa nak tercabut peparu nih. Haha..

Before the actual running day that Sunday, sempat jugaklah ana prepare one last run before flew back to KL on Saturday (29/9) tuh. So berlari lah ana on the 27/9 petang and succeeded in completing a 12k distance sambil lutut dibaluti dengan knee support yang baru. Initially rasa agak peliklah sebab ada something new ‘melekat’ kat kaki kiri, tapi bila dah lari for almost half an hour, the weird feeling tuh dah macam gone with the wind. Tak rasa apa2 pun dah lepas tuh and sengal2 kat lutut kiri tu pun rasa macam dah kurang sikit. Alhamdulillah.. the fun part. No need to put in words, i’ll just paste all the pictures yang ana sempat amik during the PJ Half Marathon. Tak banyak pun sbb nama pun lone ranger join in the race, so cameramannya pun of course diri empunya badan jugak.Tapi yang paling menarik, ana dapat jumpa balik brother yang join sekali race kat Klang arituh and we've officially become acquainted! The best part jugak, we will be running in the same half marathon in the Putrajaya Night Run this coming 20th of Oct. How's cool is that?!..Owh, lupa...nama dia Najmi Arif. Da siap add sekali dalam FB jugak sebab nak tag gambar yang ada..Haha..

 The 0600hrs flag off - Punyalah ramai manusia, too crowded!

 The finishing line - still got a lot them arriving especially the half category at this hour..

Me and Najmi - the newly acquainted running buddy!

Me with the finishing medal (should've wear other running shirt!)

 Steadylah bro!..

The running bib, participation cert and of course - finisher medal!

The timing - 46mins 26s


27/9 - Chillax run with newly bought knee support : 12k in 1hr 18mins
30/9 - PJ Half 7k 46mins 26s


  1. Good job bro. Teruskan berlari :]

  2. Thanx a lot!.Now preparing for my first half..can't wait!!


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