Chasing a faster me

Wednesday, 31 December 2014

My 2014 Story

'The year of struggle!'...

Yup..that would definitely summarize my whole journey until this very last day of year 2014. 

But, although it was a struggle I would never exchange all those experiences for anything else as they are the reasons I'm now back writing and sharing in this space after months of self-isolation. 

To start..

I had to start all over again after I got injured from last's year event (yup, you saw that right...since 2013 guys!) and subsequently, caught up with all those mystery illnesses for months that limits me to only runs within a short distance (the max was 3k) and a short period of time. I was so devastated that I ended up being sedentary for many months as I almost lost all of my confidence and hope for cure, To add to the loss, I also gained back all of my weights that had gone for the past one year. It was a total desolation for me.

July 2014 and Alhamdulillah, my hope and pray for cure was granted by Him, the Almighty. It felt different at first after all those weird niggles and strains in my body were totally gone and left me only with normal muscle cramps. After few massage therapies, my physical being was back to its 'fitrah' and I was ready to recommence my journey albeit from scratch at that time. 

Slowly i put in effort after effort to regain my shape and confidence to continue my ambition (with the continuous and enormous support from my beloved wife of course) until month of September 2014 where I registered my first event for the year (or even perhaps the last for the year, :P) which was the PJ Half Marathon just to see how far I've gone.

And Alhamdulillah, the rest was all history...

The last 200m before the finishing line under the 21k category. Glad to see me smiling again..
and it was worth it..

So happy!

The joyous feeling!
If you guys look carefully to the picture, I didn't wear my ever loyal companion, the Nike+ GPS watch which went kaput just days before the actual event. Hence, i ran free and only followed my instinct to whatever pace that I could conjure up. 

And to my surprise, i even managed to run non-stop (with stops at water/sponge stations) until the 17k mark!!. Memang terbaiklah!

The result and timing.
The result also was just what I expected after so many months missing from any running action. Huhu!

But all in all, I was grateful and fully satisfied with my effort. 

So what now?

Up to this final day of 2014, I have successfully clocked-in miles after miles and ran consistently up to 13k for my LSD. But most importantly, I could feel that all those heaviness in my limbs start to slowly disappear and even the pace is slowly reappear especially after i did all those tempo/speedwork/hill routines week after week.

And so my take from all of the above: Do not give up! Because, if you continue to dream and work to realize it even after so many falls along the way, insyaAllah, with patience the result and the rewards will finally arrive in front of you.

My last note for this year 2014: May this year be the learning year for all of us after so many tragedies (personal or in the public level) happened within our surroundings, before we take our first step into year 2015.   

As for me, only excitement and hardwork are waiting in front of me and I can't wait to continue pushing myself until I can fully realize my ambition to be called an 'Ultramarathoner'. 

One day guys, one day... 

Finally, HAPPY NEW YEAR to everybody and may our future continue to be blessed and filled with happiness and joy!!

See you on the road next year people!!


Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Run, Run and Run...

Another week had gone. And another sequence of workouts were also completed. Hooray!

17th Sept 2014
Evening run from Batu Feringgi to Teluk Bahang (Yup, you got it. I was in Penang!)
8.08km (55:20mins)

18th Sept 2014
Another evening run but this time, it was from the ESCAPE (Teluk Bahang) and back to the Hard Rock Hotel (Batu Feringgi)
4.15km (28.3mins)

20th Sept 2014
Morning run in the Kajang Stadium
6.0km (41.09mins)

24th Sept 2014
After 3 days down with fever + flu + sore throat + skin allergy combo, I managed to sweat myself a little bit in the morning at Tanjung Batu. Body still ache here and there and my breathing was a mess. And so in the end, it was a jog + walk + jog combination workout for me. Walaupun susah payah..Syukuurrrr!
3.15km (24:03mins) + 1.12km (14:36mins) + 2.02km (15:29mins)

Come on you fatboy!

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

One Week of Hardwork!

Working hard peeps!

My one week milestones:

a) 30th Aug 2014
- 20mins running on the treadmill (20mins) + weightlighting

b) 3rd Sept 2014
- 3.04k of light night run (21:13mins)

c) 4th Sept 2014
- Another night run, this time it was 5k (35:20mins)

d) 6th Sept 2014
- Afternoon run : 5.11k (36:01mins)

e) 8th Sept 2014
- Felt stronger and managed to complete 7.34k of night run (50:58mins)

f) 9th Sept 2014
- Speedwork (1.6k of warm-up, 6 x 1min + 1min walk, 2mins of cooldown) (25:49mins)

g) 11th Sept 2014
- Afternoon run : 7.03k (49:52mins)

h) 13th Sept 2014
- Afternoon run in Miri: 8.01k (56:15mins)

TOTAL MILEAGE : ~43k (Hooray!)

Come on you fatboy!

Saturday, 31 May 2014

Getting Back the Running Mojo

Alhamdulillah, after the first week struggle, I finally managed to get my feet back on the road and slowly catching up with the momentum.

I have to admit though, it was tough. After almost a year + 3 months of laziness, inconsistencies and some 'mystery illnesses', I felt like waking up in the hospital after a long coma... And you just don't know where to start and what to look for.

But all in all, my wife is always there to support me albeit most of the time, it always sound sarcastic e.g. 'Ha cepat pergi lari, 'spare tyre' dah makin mengembang tuh'.., " ha, baju ngan seluar berlari dalam almari nih, dah macam tukun dah saya tengok"..:P

God, I do love her for that!..keh3..

Nonetheless, here's my progress so far: 
  • 15 May 2014 - 3.62km (27mins) 
    • Did a 2.5km run and followed by walk + run combos  
  • 16 May 2014 - 3.2km (23mins) 
    • Completed a 3.2km run and couple of full-body workouts in Meritz Hotel, Miri while on a business trip  
  • 18 May 2014 - 1.6km (11mins)
    • Was too bloated with foods and coffees during the meeting day and in the end, I just completed some full body workouts in the gym
  • 21 May 2014 - 5.8km (48mins)
    • Hooray! Completed another milestone - night run ...albeit with a very very slow pace..I would call this the 'fat guy pace
  • 24 May 2014 - 7.31km (56mins)
    • Completed another night stop..speedwork!
  • 25 May 2014 - 4.62km (35mins)
    • 1k warm-up, 1min/2min - run/walk combo interval, 1k jog
  • 29 May 2014 - 4.6km (36mins)
    • Morning run in Kuching waterfront, followed by an 20min interval training a static cycle in the gym + light swim in the pool
  • 31 May 2014 - 5.52km (49mins)
    • Another 4k of morning run + walk in the park (1.52k), felt really tired beforehand..a lesson learnt for me..

TOTAL mileage - ~36km

Well guys, that's all for now..more to come insyaAllah..

Pray for the best peeps!


Thursday, 15 May 2014

From Zero..


I'm turning over a new leaf, from zero all over again..

Subhanallah, Alhamdulillah, Allahuakbar.

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