Chasing a faster me

Saturday, 17 February 2018

A New Me in 2018!

With the year 2018 already into its 2nd month, I’ve made quite significant steps in getting myself ready for many plans and ‘new’ experiences in this near future. The first step was obviously to get back to my blogging mood where the last entry was in the year 2016 OMG! So pemalas oi. I guess as the world is getting more and more high tech and easily connected with each other, the more ‘real-time and faster’ we want to share our experience to others. And thus, Twitter, Instagram (especially Insta-story) and sometimes FB are the preferred mediums in getting these stories relayed across.

But not for me (well, I did sometimes shared them thru the mentioned platforms but somehow I felt something amiss…somewhere…)

For me, blogging will always make me feel more private and ‘exclusive’ to the subjects that I want to talk about. And more so, the correspondent readers will at the very least need to put an extra effort in searching (in the net) the intended topics and once they found it, they’ll easily get connected to the other same subject because of the circles will always and definitely be within that same community. You don’t believe me? Try looking at runners’ blog (including me J) and see their links to the other bloggers. You will not be disappointed I tell you..hehe.

So, what’s new for me after all these years in isolation (though more to the laziness…)?

Unleash the pictures shall we?!

Sikrit Running Family

Aug 2016 - 'New Family'
Night Run - BDA Hill
Weekly run (Tues and Thurs)
Nyabau Hill Workout
Well, the 1st picture was the significant day 1 of me being part of the Sikrit Running Club family which consist of, mostly the MLNG colleagues as well as other passionate runners coming from different backgrounds, ages and abilities in Bintulu. They always stay true to their simple objective which is everybody can run, although I do personally know for some that running is no longer a simple workout but also a competitive feat for them to continue improving and occasionally made others ‘sumpah – seranah’ everytime they hit that 3rd or 4th gear (at pace 4 – 5min/km) either intentionally or non-intentionally.

But whatever it is, i'll be forever thankful because if not for these guys, I would still be in the 'old me', comfortable to whatever that i'm doing as far as running is concerned.  😝

I lose weight....and fat!

SCKLM16 - SCKLM17. Spot the difference? 😋
The above pictures were taken in my last two (2) FM in the SCKLM (2016 - 2017) on which the latter was me after losing almost 20kg in weight.

But how did it happened?

Only 3 WORDS – Sugar, salt and runs (and many of them!) – This will specifically be shared in future post with the latest picture of me in it J Tungguuuuu~

They call me 'Ultra - man' 

TITI Ultra 2017 - 50km FL
TMMT 2017 - 70km FL
And lastly, the most special of all, pictures of me completing my maiden ultra-marathons in both road and trail categories. The first of the two was me in TITI Ultra 2017 (50km) while the other, clocking close to 12hrs for a 70km distance at the The Magnificent Merapoh Trail (TMMT) 2017 which in the end and ultimately, officiated me as part of the ultra-runners community in Malaysia…wooohoooo 😂 !

More of the stories in the coming posts. Stay tune peeps!




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