Chasing a faster me

Sunday, 25 August 2013

Resuming the Norm

Alhamdulillah..setakat nih dah back to normal routine. The next step, getting back to previous pace and of course, the stamina.

Back to work peeps!!

Owh, I'm getting problem installing my Nike+ Connect in Windows 8. Masalah compatibility kah?

Friday, 19 July 2013

That Turtle Pace..

And so it begins..the turtle pace + the baby steps to reach the fitness I was before: the ability to run consistently, 5 miles day by day and able to go up and down a hill with a controlled breathing (jauh lagi perjalanan nih...sempat tak sempat, I think I just have to go for it..and of courselah, gradually and very methodically)..

So far,my progress for the past 4 days:
  1. 13 Jul 2013 - 3.69km (27:59mins)
  2. 14 Jul 2013 - 6.60km (49:59mins)
  3. 17 Jul 2013 - 7.31km (53:54mins)
  4. 18 Jul 2013 -  A very light dumbell workout (10 - 15mins)
All in all, i think I'm progressing well despite at slower paces in all of the runs (7 - 7:24min/k)*. Of course lah, slow pace kan. Nama pun dah berbulan2 stop running, without doing exercise some more to maintain that fitness. Maka, terkumpullah lemak2 dan bahagian2 tambahan di tubuh badan yang memberatkan lagi pergerakan dari titik A ke titik B. Hehe..So, nak taknak..terpaksalah bekerja keras dulu untuk mengurangkan berat and at the same time, re-build that feet strength to withstand all those thumpings as the mileage increased day after day..

* - I believe this was the pace when I first started to run consistently last year (at around Apr 2012) and managed to bring it down further until 6 - 6:15min/k mark when I completed my first HM (Oct 2012). So, tabahkan jerlah hati and maintain that passion sebab I do believe the result will come as long as I keep working hard and continue to endure until I achieve that unknown future laid in front of me...the motivation?..I was here before didn't I?

Keep smiling while you run..

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

KL Standard Chartered 29/9 - Here I Come!

Orang kata mereka yang berlari long distance nih mempunyai tahap mental yang tinggi and kesabaran yang jitu (Perghh..baku sungguh ayat). To some extent, I do agree with that. Sebab apa? I took it and relate it with my case.

After a long wait and rehab in the last 4 - 5 months, I can say that 'api' passion untuk meneruskan 'karier' dalam bidang endurance nih is still there untuk 'ditiup2kan' lagi. Ditambah lagi dengan achievement in the last few days that I managed to run back to back and pushed myself further than that 5k (albeit with a very slow pace ~ 7:20) barrier yang dalam 4 bulan nih, almost cause me to reach mental blockage. Alhamdulillah sangat2...perhaps my Ramadhan prayer and wish had been granted by HIM. Siap buat sujud syukur lagi on that night kat atas jalan. Luckily there was no one there except for a few sleepy dogs yang just lying around looking uninterestedly.

Nonetheless, my journey untuk kembali ke previous mileage is still long. And I pray that I could now start to focus myself for this coming September untuk the Standard Chartered Marathon (FM) although I need to do bring back my fitness slowly so that takderlah terkejut sangat body nih biler the mileage starts to increase again. Apa2 pun, I just need to get back into my running habit and rhythm and continue previous schedule yang terbantut dulu. Manalah tau, one of the reason yang this SCKLM13 was deferred sebab my destiny is awaiting me at that finishing line to complete my first FM. Who knows but, insyaAllah.

Other than that?

My family has taken another shift. In Semenanjung until March 2013, my wife and my baby daughter are all now with me in Bintulu day and night, 24/7 (except when I'm on shift of course). And my wife of course, she's now an independent distributor and consultant for Shaklee health supplements products (ID - 950501) for Bintulu (COD) and nationwide. A blessing in disguise I guessed since she's never been happier since she's now can work from home (at her own time) and care for our 'Snowball Aisyah' without any worries what so ever. A-working-at-home-mother status la katakan!

Our 8months Aisyah with Shaklee's Omega Guard and Performance Drink peeps!

So those yang interested untuk dapatkan info on any promotions or product, can click thru these links or just browse her page via my bloglist:
So ladies and gents (drumroll please!)

Please welcome, the comeback of myself into the running scene again!.

See you on the road...daa

Friday, 24 May 2013

Cerita Terbaru?

Hola rakan2!!

Perghh..udah lama gila menghilangkan diri dan rindu bangat gue untuk kembali ke jalanan. Mood untuk mengupdate blog ni pun baru jer nak naik balik setelah sekian lama berhibernate atas sebab2 tertentu.

OKlah, memang terasa sungguh jauhnya perjalanan untuk menjadi fully fit. Sekarang ni pun if ada kesempatan untuk berlari, yang mampu hanyalah beberapa km jer. Itupun memang dengan sehabis2 kudrat yang ada dalam badan nih. Badan keseluruhan masih dalam rehabilitation. And masuk bulan May nih, dah ada dua event yang terpaksa diDNS kan ; Brooks & BIM. But luckily for BIM, lepas huru-hara PRU13 yang lepas, akhirnya organizer decided untuk postpone this event ke bulan August 2013. So masih ada banyak harapan lagi untuk kembali pulih dan meng'ready'kan body yang makin 'kental' nih (hahaha..) untuk event2 akan datang insyaAllah.

Apa2pun, takkan hilang semangat berlari gue di dunia ini!..

Owh, terlupa. Semalam adalah jugak satu lawak senario terjadi. Punyalah gigih nak pergi amik race kit KL Marathon kat PJ (untuk jadi souvenir) sebab ada nampak update dalm FB, alih2 bila dah sampai and tunjukkan race confirmation, rupa2nya race tersebut adalah untuk fun-run...ahahha...siap ada amik gambar lagi dengan one of the volunteer sebab excited nampak baby kecik (Aisyah) datang amik race kit. Ingat ker baru nak jadi the youngest runner ever untuk join berlari tapi rupa2nya hanya dapat jadi model cilik tak berbayar untuk sehari..priceless and also embarassed! Kuang3...

Semoga ketemu lagi di entry yang terdekat pada masa akan datang. 


Tuesday, 2 April 2013

Resetting the Journey

Salam to all...

The first entry after a month++ of non-blogging and non-running. Yup, you guys hear it month++ of non running - due to my prolonged injury + 'illness'.

I'm now putting myself under self-rehabilitation to allow myself to fully recover - mentally, physically and spiritually before I could start running happily and comfortably again.

So, if you see me with a 'bigger' size and thought of me had put some extra weight..yup, you got me right!..

With all of that assumptions,  I guess, I won't be joining the Brunei SC HM and the BIM 2013 FM as these events/targets are no longer my main priority. Perhaps the SCKLM 2013 is the closest for me to do if He allows me to do so.

InsyaAllah and fingers crossed!

Hope and pray for me to be back on the road soon! :-)

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Another One? Part 2

It's been a while since my last entry on my injury. Up to this date, it's all about muscle stress and fatigues where any extra hard exertions to my right feet and calf, will further aggravate the injury and won't help it to properly heal as it should be. Nonetheless, I've been planning to do some 'yoga'ing at home (sounds funny already) just to stay active throughout this 2 weeks without running. Well, it wasn't exactly zero running, as I did attempt one short jog (about 1 mile) last Thursday just to see how's my feet doing. And just as I expected, there's still some more healing and resting need to be done. :-(

So I just have to see how's my feet doing in this coming week. Otherwise, it will be a bittersweet goodbye to my Brooks HM next Sunday and officially, my first DNS in my running life..hoho..but as most of my friends and running colleagues advices me to do - just let this Brooks pass and wait for the injury to heal properly. After that, just focus and ready myself for my FM in May 2013 - my biggest target for this year..

Lastly, somebody shared this youtube's vid in my FB -  an inspirational one..

If that guy didn't give up, why should I?

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Another One?

Another week of frustation as I'm forced to take a rest because my upper right foot suddenly caught with some pain and I couldn't walk properly after a 5k run last Sunday.

And after 3 sessions of 'membetulkan urat-urat' massage in Miri, I was told instead that my whole right thigh and calf is having muscle fatigues or stresses that is affecting the whole leg i.e. as for my case here, my foot. So, whether I like it or not, I had to take a full week off from any running as to give my leg a full rest.

Haih...restless2 sebab there's only another 2-3 weeks before the Brooks HM and hopefully, sempatlah this precious kaki to recover..

Fingers crossed!

Thursday, 7 February 2013

The 'Big' Commitment - BIM 2013 & SCKLM 2013

Month January had passed and now I'm in February 2013. New progress targets are on the table and  need to be worked-on and achieved timely since my first FM date is drawing closer and closer (3months..lama lagi ker nih?)..

As for my January month, it ended quite well although by the end of it (the last week of Jan 2013), I was caught with a hot fever and stomach aches due to 'uncontrollable' eating habit everytime I attended workshops in a hotel, in KL! Huh..and hence, I only managed to do some (2 runs to be exact) running just before I caught both of that 'discomfortness'. :P.

All in all, I need to do some catching up with my training plan. As far as the event registration is concerned, I've officially commit myself to 2 FM in this first half of the year i.e. the Borneo International Marathon 2013 and the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon 2013. Nak tak nak, malas tak perlu dibuat and consistently jugak. If not nanti, memang cari pasal la bila dah kat starting line-up. Erghh..

BIM 2013 in KK

SCKLM 2013 in KL
Along the way, I'm glad and grateful that my 'two girlfriends' are doing fine and I myself also has adapted well to the new environment of being a father, without neglecting the obligations. Now my only hope is that I could balance out my life demands and my running journey so that the targets I've put for myself for this year, can be achieved safely and as per plan, InsyaAllah.

See you again in the next update entry...ciao

Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Time Flies..

Like they say, time indeed flies sebab sedar tak sedar, my FM training has passed its 5th week and month January is also going to leave us all soon!! And by the time I started writing this entry, I've already skipped almost that whole 5th week of my FM training as I went back to Terengganu to attend to my sister-in-law's wedding..

So, with that word 'wedding', come unofficially the word 'carbo-loading'. Haduih...After bersusah-payah mendisiplinkan diri a few weeks before with balance diets (~60% veggies) and without any rice, akhirnya 'termeletup' lah empunya diri menghadap menu2 kenduri yang dahsyat itu...haha..together with the gulai kambing from my daughter's aqiqah on the very same day, whatever rice menu served on that table, I sental cukup2...epic fail!

My in-laws and biras!

Anyway, back to my Liz Yelling FM training.

Up to date, I've ran the furthest of 18k (~11miles) for my long run session. And the next target  for the LSD is the HM distance (21k / 13miles) which I plan to run it this coming weekend (26 - 27/1) together with the other Bintulu running buddies who are also preparing themselves towards the Brooks Half Marathon this coming March. Other sessions that I plan to redeem myself after the whole week off, are the hills session and the tempo run which I very much need to push and put more effort to achieve that desired pace. No more lemah longlai and stay-in-the-comfort zone for me when it comes this tempo run..bak kata sifu Tristupe, if you want improve your pace or run faster, tempo run is the, push it!!..But to stay endured and last longer in your full marathon, the slow and long run is the, respect it and be patience while you are at it!..

So all in all, there's still a long way for me to be ready for my FM run. But the good thing is that, even if the time flies so fast, they are still on my side as long as I commit myself to the regime and alter it to suit my day life demands.


Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Haile Specialised!

The legend with his world record in Berlin Marathon 2007
Ethiopia's Haile Gebrselassie is one of the greatest endurance runners ever - winning Olympic gold twice and setting 26 world records. Here are his success tips:

Check your health

Before you start training for a marathon, go to the doctor and have a thorough examination. I go to the doctor every six to eight weeks to see if my form has changed, and I take this opportunity to have a general check-up. Older runners who may be at risk for heart and circulatory diseases should get the okay of a doctor before starting training.

Set goals

I know what I want when I start a marathon: to win! But what do you want? Make sure you're clear in advance and don't go out too fast. If you set a time goal, whatever it is, it should be realistic. If I run for a world record, I just don't take off; I set definite time goals during the race. My goal time is based on times that I've run previously over shorter distances. Do the same, or use the results of friends who are at the same level.

Increase endurance

When I ran my first marathon at 15, I had lots of talent and speed, but one thing was lacking: endurance. I've worked on that over the years with thousand of slow kilometres. To run a successful marathon, you have to run great distances - these can't be replaced by a quick, fast workout. The core of marathon training is the long slow run. The capacity of your body to take in oxygen increases. The more oxygen you have available for energy, the higher your endurance.

Include breaks

Believe it or not, I need a break once in a while. I have to rest if I want to go fast on other days. My marathon training is organized so that I really challenge one day and then follow it up the next day with a recovery run. It should be the same for you. For every marathoner; have at least one complete rest day a week when you don't run.

Kick up the pace

I got my marathon world record with an average speed of 20km/hr, which is faster than my usual pace. I trained at this "race pace" before the marathon; at first for short, then over longer distances. Are you a beginner? Then it's enough to run a marathon at your usual pace. If you've got more ambition (3:30 or faster) you have to assume your marathon pace will be faster than usual. You need to practise it in training for 10 miles (~16k).

Lift some weights

I spend a lot of time in the weights room. It's not about muscle building for me, but about increasing endurance by using lighter weights. My marathon training includes regular strength training for all of the relevant muscle groups. Do a few planks, press-ups and crunches - perhaps directly after a long run.

Excerpt from "How can I run like the best?" (Runner's World Coach)

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

MPIB Run 2013 - Larian Hangus!

After a back to back hills/rolling terrains i.e. Malakoff KL 2012 and this MPIB 2013, I am now know one important element that I need to improve further and emphasis more in my 2013 running adventure.

The hills lahh of course!!

Aiyah..I thought after the Putrajaya Night Marathon, I could handle any hills adequately after doing the hill session at least once in a week. But my oh my, until that last Sunday's race, my body and mentally seems to have some problems adapting to the first sight of any inclines and steep roads especially if before the race, I don't prepare myself properly. But I do admit that after the flag-off of this MPIB run, I did TOO MANY mistakes. In simple and plain truth, I did almost everything that a runner SHOULD AVOID during a race..big time!!

The flag-off
Lesson Learn 1
When you know that you are going for race event the next day (in whatever distance), today is the day you should be resting properly. In my case, perhaps I should have chosen to skip this MPIB event since the traveling fatigue within 3 days before the race had taken its toll on me. From Bintulu - Kajang - Besut - KL - Kajang - Padang Merbok. I dunno about other people, but for me I think I should have plan my travel accordingly and try to avoid doing any race if I traveled/drove non-stop beforehand or maybe I should just take my time and rest properly.

Lesson Learn 2
After doing 4 - 5 races since 2012, I know now that I need to have a good sleep before starting any race especially if it's a morning race. In this MPIB run case, my baby daughter had other plans for me that whole night and I only managed to 'tidur-tidur ayam' for almost 2hours until I went out from the house at about 5am in the morning. Hahaha..priceless moment!

Lesson Learn 3
Need to fuel myself sufficiently few hours before the start of the run. But it is always my problem (especially the morning race) to find myself the most suitable snack or a quick meal for me to fuel-up. I've tried numerous options - Biskut Tiger, isotonic drinks, dates/kurma and Milo or mana2 yang sempat lah. Tapi still rasa macam tak pernah cukup dalam tank during midrace. Maybe kena sental nasi jugak kot or pasta. Need some points on your best practice here peeps..hehe..

Lesson Learn 4
I took off too fast after the flag-off!. During the first hill, I was running at 5:35 pace (for my level at least)!! and by the time I reached the 'peak', I was almost out of breath and my leg felt like I already ran past 3 to 4k. By 6k split, there's no more left in the tank and I just continue the race with a walk/jog combo until the finishing line. Itu pun dah rasa macam nak give-up..hadoi..memang betul2 hangus..

Lesson Learn 5
Never ever try to bring with you during any race, 'gadgets' that you never brought along during trainings. As for my case, I strapped my left arm with the Galaxy Note armband that is tied together with one sponsored balloon..Aiyo..At first, I thought it would be easy for me to take photos by the end of the race but before I could reach 8k split, my left arm dah rasa kebas because it was too heavy! So you add that with inner self yang dah almost nak give-up, I was even thinking just to take the Bank Negara Komuter halfway and balik terus tido.. :P

But all in all, it was a good learning experience for me as a beginner runner and to kick off this year 2013 in motion. At least I dug deep and keep on moving until I reached the finishing line especially after a Chinese guy with no left arm ran past me, so fast and furious I couldn't even get a glance at his face. A true runner spirit I would say!

Me and Najmi. his timing was 1hr 13mins! Congrats!
Nevertheless, alhamdulillah I managed to complete the race in one piece and got the finisher medal. Hoorah!!
Finisher medal and running bib

Now back to work and prepare to redeem myself again!

My official timing - 1hr 24min 45s

Monday, 7 January 2013

2013 Targets last, we are in the year 2013. New year, new lease of life and new set of targets to achieve. And as I preps myself for my next running adventures, I am grateful that I arrived into 2013, feeling mentally happy and physically adequate. And I hope, as I train towards the full marathon (FMV), I would shed-off some more pounds, feel a lot healthier and in the end, run faster.

So what's next for me?

I did mention previously that I would be doing my first full marathon by May 2013 in KK. And hopefully, when that time arrives I would be in the near perfect shape, mentally and physically to complete the race in one-piece. No time target and it's all for pure fun and a duel between me and myself as this would be my biggest target for this year. Once this is realized, the subsequent targets would be to run comfortably faster than my current pace (~6:10min/km) and do longer LSDs to improve my stamina and endurance.

On top of that, my biggest dream and wish for this 2013 is for me to put a lot more effort to be closer to Him and practice my faith better than previous years. And secondly, to better myself and my relationship, inside out - to my beloved wife and baby daughter (as a husband and a father), and to my bigger family - my parents/in-laws/relatives.

Other than that, hopefully my financial stand in this new year would also improve and better than 2012 so that I could join more running events as registration fees are getting expensive year by year..Hahaha..

Owh, and one more thing, I'm hoping to further expand my running circles and network so that I could learn new things and bring on-boards those tacit know-how from individual runners/acquaintances that I met, be it via blogging or in that rare moments before/during/post race events that each of us bump-into.

Last word from me, may all of our dreams and wish come true. Have a good year ahead peeps!

Khairul Ariffin Muhazar aka KAM , @kameyol

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