Chasing a faster me

Monday, 26 February 2018

'Kurus' Itu Satu Perjalanan

Dalam tengah2 kehidupan yang tenang di bandar Bintulu nih, tergerak rasa hati nak share some of my own experiences in losing all those heavy2 thingy dan juga bendealah tebal/berketul2 yang selamanya terabadi di tubuh yang halus mulus ini i.e. fat/lemak.

So kat mana nak start?

The first step of any hard and long winded journey must always start with your niat (end purpose). Tak kisahlah whether you want to lose weight or run an ultra-marathon or even get a degree, the most important thing is that you must set your niat/end purpose of why you want to achieve all those targets first.

And why it is so important and key?

Sebab dengan niat ni lah, you'll set your discipline and maintain your motivation daripada mula sampailah ke akhir. Otherwise, kita semua just suka2 ikut orang lain buat bender2 yang kita terasa fun and beneficial but in the end, kita tak dapat nak continue or cope with the stresses/nafsus' 👿 and stop halfway. Contoh yang paling senang adalah bila munculnya tarikh keramat 1 Januari when the most common resolution would be to lose weight and be healthier. Memang ramai yang nak lose weight tapi matlamat awal and jalannya tak diset properly. So alih2, everybody just start doing the same thing because of the thoughts that it looks/feels cool but in the end, kaput di tengah jalan. Sounds familiar kan?

For myself, to lose weight is much more than to look cool in front of the mirror and able to wear all those 'M & S' sizes (although aderlah sekelumit and ciput2 dalam hati 😋). And it's actually more of getting myself  'lighter' so that i can do things faster/easier and manage all those huffing/puffing especially when doing my favorite thing i.e. running. As a runner, any extra weights will definitely make your efforts feel much harder. And in dropping a few pounds, the differences it made are quite significant and you can really feel the 'lightness' in your foot as well as your breathing. Macam sifu2 running selalu cakap, the easier it feels, the longer and the faster you can run.

So what's next?

There are 5 key rules to lose weight faster and healthier (as referred to one of the fitness trainer that i know - Azmir Zed) on which i happily apply to myself 😎:
  1. Always drink enough of plain water daily. The more your weight is, then the more you need to drink. For a simple formulae (as told by my wife), drink 1liter of water per 25kg of your weight i.e. if your weight is 75kg, so your drink at least 3 liter of water daily. 
  2. Cut back sugar intake. If you cannot manage to 'totally' cut your sugar intake, start by doing them gradually. Like how i did initially, i started out by cutting out all of those kuih-muih, cakes, dessert and ultimately, the sugary drinks. And now, (for drinks to the least), my daily norm now is just plain water in all my meals and the morning black coffee/cappuccino (if not, hentam sekali terus time lunch and dinner 😛). Macam Kevin Zahri cakap, if you can cutback your sugar totally (and he really means TOTALLY!), without doing exercise, in a year you can lose almost 26kg! Boleh cuba kalau berani....hehe
  3. Cut back salt intake. This is more or less similar to the 'sugar approach' on which for me, i manage them by having my meals prepped at home (breakfast/lunch/dinner) since it would be quite difficult to manage them outside. Plus, you can save money and spend more time with your family (applicable to Bintulu only and not for KL folks k 😝).
  4. Always be in calorie deficit. What it means here might be confusing to some but it's just simply means, ensuring that your body burns more than your calorie intake. How to do this? For me, there are 2 methods that i usually do. One, is by eating smaller portions in each of your meals. Like before, maybe your rice is satu cup, but now you cut them by half. And eat more green vegies as well as protein (smaller portion though) since they are the one that helps reduce your hunger (making you feel full) and boost metabolism. The 2nd would be, to spend your time more in exercising i.e. spend at least 30mins/daily with moderate workouts. But of course, it's better to jaga makan also lah sebab otherwise you exercise2 tapi mentekedarahnya dah macam kebulur seminggu everytime lepas abis workout. Memang confirmlah tak berhasil! But in any case, the end intent is always, to burn more calories than what you are actually intake. 
  5. Lastly, invest your time in exercising! This is basically the same with point 4 (2nd one) i.e. exercise regularly. Like they always say, at least 3 times in a week (30mins minimum). If for myself, it is running that i always do and i usually allocate my weekend (or depending on free time after work) to do my long run which can take at least 2-3hrs and they burn more than 1500kcal at the very minimum! In any case, the objective is to burn and burn extra calories/fat, take out all those body 'waste' via sweat, work your digestion system better and last but not the least, to make you healthier/fitter. 
So, why wait guys?!

Me during my college years (96 - 98kg)
To date (73 - 74kg)

As for running, my total mileage for the past one week was at 48.6km which was way lower than my weekly target i.e. 50km. Although the excuse this time is basically due to my outstations travellings tapi walaubagaimanapun, untuk minggu2 yang mendatang, insyaAllah akan diusahakanlah larian2 petang ataupun before breakfast/after kerja demi sesuap mileage untuk event2 yang berbaris 2-3 bulan nih. 🙏🙏

SUMMARY (18 - 25/2/2018)

18/2 : KLCC Park running (11.24km - 01:11:03). This is supposed to be a 'recovery run' post trail run on Saturday but somehow, the pace was a bit 'dirasuk', thus terjadilah hasil yang sedikit laju dari yang sepatutnya

19/2 : Rest Day

20/2 : Again KLCC park running in the evening (afterwork). (12.35km - 01:18:55)

21/2 : One last day for KLCC park running (afterwork) and before flying back to Bintulu the next day (10.01km - 01:02:50 + 1km walk 00:14:32)

22 - 23/2 : Rest days

24/2 : Saturday morning walk with the wifey in Tg Batu (picture kelesss gitu) (5.2km - 01:17:53)

Amik peluang berdating sebab si Snowball sekolah ganti

25/2 : A two sessions run i.e. long run in the AM with 14km distance (01:32:13) and an evening 6km recovery run (00:43:01)

All in all, keep on moving people!


Saturday, 17 February 2018

A New Me in 2018!

With the year 2018 already into its 2nd month, I’ve made quite significant steps in getting myself ready for many plans and ‘new’ experiences in this near future. The first step was obviously to get back to my blogging mood where the last entry was in the year 2016 OMG! So pemalas oi. I guess as the world is getting more and more high tech and easily connected with each other, the more ‘real-time and faster’ we want to share our experience to others. And thus, Twitter, Instagram (especially Insta-story) and sometimes FB are the preferred mediums in getting these stories relayed across.

But not for me (well, I did sometimes shared them thru the mentioned platforms but somehow I felt something amiss…somewhere…)

For me, blogging will always make me feel more private and ‘exclusive’ to the subjects that I want to talk about. And more so, the correspondent readers will at the very least need to put an extra effort in searching (in the net) the intended topics and once they found it, they’ll easily get connected to the other same subject because of the circles will always and definitely be within that same community. You don’t believe me? Try looking at runners’ blog (including me J) and see their links to the other bloggers. You will not be disappointed I tell you..hehe.

So, what’s new for me after all these years in isolation (though more to the laziness…)?

Unleash the pictures shall we?!

Sikrit Running Family

Aug 2016 - 'New Family'
Night Run - BDA Hill
Weekly run (Tues and Thurs)
Nyabau Hill Workout
Well, the 1st picture was the significant day 1 of me being part of the Sikrit Running Club family which consist of, mostly the MLNG colleagues as well as other passionate runners coming from different backgrounds, ages and abilities in Bintulu. They always stay true to their simple objective which is everybody can run, although I do personally know for some that running is no longer a simple workout but also a competitive feat for them to continue improving and occasionally made others ‘sumpah – seranah’ everytime they hit that 3rd or 4th gear (at pace 4 – 5min/km) either intentionally or non-intentionally.

But whatever it is, i'll be forever thankful because if not for these guys, I would still be in the 'old me', comfortable to whatever that i'm doing as far as running is concerned.  😝

I lose weight....and fat!

SCKLM16 - SCKLM17. Spot the difference? 😋
The above pictures were taken in my last two (2) FM in the SCKLM (2016 - 2017) on which the latter was me after losing almost 20kg in weight.

But how did it happened?

Only 3 WORDS – Sugar, salt and runs (and many of them!) – This will specifically be shared in future post with the latest picture of me in it J Tungguuuuu~

They call me 'Ultra - man' 

TITI Ultra 2017 - 50km FL
TMMT 2017 - 70km FL
And lastly, the most special of all, pictures of me completing my maiden ultra-marathons in both road and trail categories. The first of the two was me in TITI Ultra 2017 (50km) while the other, clocking close to 12hrs for a 70km distance at the The Magnificent Merapoh Trail (TMMT) 2017 which in the end and ultimately, officiated me as part of the ultra-runners community in Malaysia…wooohoooo 😂 !

More of the stories in the coming posts. Stay tune peeps!



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