Chasing a faster me

Friday, 19 July 2013

That Turtle Pace..

And so it begins..the turtle pace + the baby steps to reach the fitness I was before: the ability to run consistently, 5 miles day by day and able to go up and down a hill with a controlled breathing (jauh lagi perjalanan nih...sempat tak sempat, I think I just have to go for it..and of courselah, gradually and very methodically)..

So far,my progress for the past 4 days:
  1. 13 Jul 2013 - 3.69km (27:59mins)
  2. 14 Jul 2013 - 6.60km (49:59mins)
  3. 17 Jul 2013 - 7.31km (53:54mins)
  4. 18 Jul 2013 -  A very light dumbell workout (10 - 15mins)
All in all, i think I'm progressing well despite at slower paces in all of the runs (7 - 7:24min/k)*. Of course lah, slow pace kan. Nama pun dah berbulan2 stop running, without doing exercise some more to maintain that fitness. Maka, terkumpullah lemak2 dan bahagian2 tambahan di tubuh badan yang memberatkan lagi pergerakan dari titik A ke titik B. Hehe..So, nak taknak..terpaksalah bekerja keras dulu untuk mengurangkan berat and at the same time, re-build that feet strength to withstand all those thumpings as the mileage increased day after day..

* - I believe this was the pace when I first started to run consistently last year (at around Apr 2012) and managed to bring it down further until 6 - 6:15min/k mark when I completed my first HM (Oct 2012). So, tabahkan jerlah hati and maintain that passion sebab I do believe the result will come as long as I keep working hard and continue to endure until I achieve that unknown future laid in front of me...the motivation?..I was here before didn't I?

Keep smiling while you run..

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

KL Standard Chartered 29/9 - Here I Come!

Orang kata mereka yang berlari long distance nih mempunyai tahap mental yang tinggi and kesabaran yang jitu (Perghh..baku sungguh ayat). To some extent, I do agree with that. Sebab apa? I took it and relate it with my case.

After a long wait and rehab in the last 4 - 5 months, I can say that 'api' passion untuk meneruskan 'karier' dalam bidang endurance nih is still there untuk 'ditiup2kan' lagi. Ditambah lagi dengan achievement in the last few days that I managed to run back to back and pushed myself further than that 5k (albeit with a very slow pace ~ 7:20) barrier yang dalam 4 bulan nih, almost cause me to reach mental blockage. Alhamdulillah sangat2...perhaps my Ramadhan prayer and wish had been granted by HIM. Siap buat sujud syukur lagi on that night kat atas jalan. Luckily there was no one there except for a few sleepy dogs yang just lying around looking uninterestedly.

Nonetheless, my journey untuk kembali ke previous mileage is still long. And I pray that I could now start to focus myself for this coming September untuk the Standard Chartered Marathon (FM) although I need to do bring back my fitness slowly so that takderlah terkejut sangat body nih biler the mileage starts to increase again. Apa2 pun, I just need to get back into my running habit and rhythm and continue previous schedule yang terbantut dulu. Manalah tau, one of the reason yang this SCKLM13 was deferred sebab my destiny is awaiting me at that finishing line to complete my first FM. Who knows but, insyaAllah.

Other than that?

My family has taken another shift. In Semenanjung until March 2013, my wife and my baby daughter are all now with me in Bintulu day and night, 24/7 (except when I'm on shift of course). And my wife of course, she's now an independent distributor and consultant for Shaklee health supplements products (ID - 950501) for Bintulu (COD) and nationwide. A blessing in disguise I guessed since she's never been happier since she's now can work from home (at her own time) and care for our 'Snowball Aisyah' without any worries what so ever. A-working-at-home-mother status la katakan!

Our 8months Aisyah with Shaklee's Omega Guard and Performance Drink peeps!

So those yang interested untuk dapatkan info on any promotions or product, can click thru these links or just browse her page via my bloglist:
So ladies and gents (drumroll please!)

Please welcome, the comeback of myself into the running scene again!.

See you on the road...daa

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