Chasing a faster me

Friday, 30 November 2012

It's Flat!

Like the previous 2 entries, I've mentioned that my life would never be the same since I've become a father. Plus that with a new 'toy' at your disposal, your motivation to set your foot on the road would always be on the high (kononnya lah..hehe) or at least THERE to continue pushing you. So, nak dijadikan cerita. Setelah sekian lama/3 minggu mengelakkan diri daripada menhentakkan kaki di atas jalan, ana pergi membuat lawatan rasmi (chewah!) ke Running Lab kat Tropicana City Mall, PJ dengan my younger brother. Hajat di hati nak mencari kasut yang sesuai dengan kaki yang dah injured and also to at least, menghidupkan balik that running momentum yang dah 'terhibernate' setelah sekian lama.

Tup tap tup tap!

After a quick 'walk test' atas treadmill in the shop, I now know that my feet is a actually a 'flat' type. And, I pronate a lot. So, after a few advise, the keyword for all of my shoes after this would be - 'Stability'.

The process after that test is quite fascinating. My feet was properly being sized by a scale and as it turn out, my right and left feet have a slightly different size. Hahaha...sememangnya funny!Tapi takperlah, janji ana dah tau secara 'absolute' the size of my feet.

So, what's next?

The guy in the shop gave me 5 to 6 boxes of shoes from whole range of brands i.e. Asics, New Balance, Saucony and Brooks to try on (sorry peeps, there's no usual Adidas or Nike here..hehe). Some of them are 'Minimalist' and some are the 'Maximum Stability' since these types suit my feet need.

Try punya try, akhirnya ana choose to get the 'Saucony Hurrican 14' for maximum stability. Ha, just for your info, this is the first time ana try this brand. Nama memang pelik, tapi bila dah pakai. Perghh! It feels like your feet is being wrapped by wools + snow. Really2 comfortable.

Saucony Hurricane 14
Haha...she's already on the road twice!
So peeps, it is always important to choose your shoes right at the first time since they are the ones who's helping us to achieve whatever targets or dreams that we have SAFELY.

Before I finish, you guys could read this one article from one of the running web on choosing the right shoes - Click 'Here'. Credit to bro Ray sebab share. Tq2.


Saturday, 24 November 2012

I'm Ready to Go!'s been quite a while since the last entry. Nak buat macamana, empunya diri dah diupgradekan dari seorang suami menjadi seorang ayah. Of courselah, time management tuh akan bertukar 360 degrees. Lagi2 first born kan..ala2 baru nak belajar swimming, tapi dah terus kena campak kat tengah laut. Memang main redah jer lah. Hehe..

Anyhow, up till today. Everything is running smoothly. Ana punya wife and baby Aisyah, dua2 alhamdulillah sihat2 belaka and safely 'confined' kat Besut, Terengganu. And by the time I'm writing this, my daughter is already 2 weeks old. time flies..and my leave is going to end soon within the next couple of days. Haih...hati pun dah mula terasa sebak.

Oklah..back to my running diaries.

Since my last run on Sunday of 18th Nov, I could now feel that my left foot is totally healed and can move freely without any of that niggling feeling. (That advise of 'know your body' sememangnya mujarab if we are in the period of recuperating and nursing our injury). Like a statement yang ana baca dalam 'The Running Times', - Your 2-3 weeks of without running worth nothing if you can't running for your whole life'. This statement is definitely true to its meaning.

Hingga ke saat ini (setelah 3 minggu bertapa), akhirnya ana sudah ready untuk kembali ke jalanan for new adventures. So,tanpa sebarang perasaan was-was dan dengan lafaz Bismillah, I can now declare - 'I'm fit and ready to go back to full running'.

Syukran to all and Alhamdulillah.

See you all on the road..


Wednesday, 14 November 2012

My Shining Light

It is always a case of -  a picture is worth a thousand words. And here I gave you guys the reason why that for the past one week, though I couldn't run at all since I was injured,  it was the most tiring but also the most beautiful and memorable week for me and the wife..seriously..

Akhirnya, my lovely wife delivered our first child - a baby girl weighed at 3.12kg at the KPJ Kajang Hospital, last Friday (9th November 2012 - 1210hrs)

Our newborn baby.

My two lovely girls

Her first interaction with the giraffes. And lots of them too!!

Alhamdulillah, nama diberi - 'Nur Aisyah Radhiah' which means 'Cahaya Kehidupan Yang Meredhai'. InsyaAllah, with Aisyah's addition into the family, I would pray that He would continue to bless my whole family forever, here and the hereafter.

And from now on, my life would never be the same again..

Monday, 5 November 2012

Post Injury Run

Akhirnya, larian post injury after almost a week immobilizing myself from any running. Agak suffer jugaklah sebab kaki dah memang rasa restless almost everyday and that everyday I felt like the leg dah macam sayur brokoli br lepas kena rebus. Nampak macam fit and hard, tapi biler tekan lebih sikit, hancur luluhlah encik brokoli itu (haha).

Oklah, now back to the running. The overall pace was obviously slower than the normal. I dared not to push myself to the normal pace because I could still feel the 'geli2' but not pain on my left tendon whenever my foot hit the road. Rasa2 macam dah almost healed but definitely not yet 100%-lah for a full blast running.

So what's next?

My plan is to further menjauhkan diri daripada aktiviti lari2 nih for a few more days (ramai jugak yang suruh rest jer for another week sebab takut melarat nanti sampai ke tua..erkk) before I do another assessment run (eh..boleh eh assessment run? :P) to see whether it is fully healed and fit for service. (I hope my ma'am don't read this because I'm suppose to stand-by myself 24/7 before the big day', otherwise nanti kena kill by her..shhhhhh). But that's only a plan because by tomorrow (Tuesday 6/11), I'll be back in Semenanjung until end of the month to attend to my wife before the big day. So, if the big day comes early, I don't think I would have much time to think anything that is relevant to the word 'RUN' except to run the errands lah.. :P

Anyway, that's all for now - a short but sweet entry for you guys to read.

Hope to see you soon, insyaAllah...and don't forget to pray for the best to me and my wife!.


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